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Born in Israel in 1971. Graduate from Beit-Berl school of art.

The inspiration of the paintings is taken from pictures, magazines, or photographs of familiar people. The basic idea of most of my painting revolve around balance.  Searching after these balance situations within the chaos became my obsession as if the way I paint them releases the chaos and brings the balance in. One of the artists that inspired me most when I was a student is Bas Jan Ader, a video artist that filmed falling situations, traps and failure, but as opposed to his works, mine are trying to put back the balance.

My paintings are drawn from womanhood point of view and present the delicate situation that women are in today, where they are expected to be both powerful and submissive at the same time.


All the paintings in this site are one of a kind and drawn in oil on canvas.


I will be happy to answer all question.

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